Reading with Your Child
Reading at St Laurence CofE Primary
At St Laurence we consider the ability to read to be of the highest importance. Not only do we want our children to leave us as 'good readers', but ultimately we aspire to ensure our pupils become 'lifelong readers'. It is our hope to establish a passion for reading within our students during their time with us; that they regard reading as something they choose to do for pleasure, rather than as a chore.
Reading Diaries
Not only is it important to encourage your child to read and listen to them read, we strongly recommend that you read to your child regularly. This will encourage a love for reading, and they can hear how reading should sound. To show that your child has read their reading book we would really appreciate your comments in your child’s Reading Diary. It assists in our assessments of your child; helps us to see what they can do away from the classroom; and also reminds your child that you as the parent, and us as the teachers, are a partnership!
How you can help your child
When sharing a book with your child, try to take opportunities to talk about the book – before, during and after reading.
Before reading: look at the book cover and talk about your child’s expectations. Is the book likely to be fiction or non-fiction? Have you read other books together about these characters or by this author? What does your child think the book is going to be about?
While reading: support your child when unknown words need tackling: you can sound them out, split them into syllables, or identify suffixes and prefixes. Remind your child to listen to the words while reading them, to make sure that they make sense. Have a ‘meaning check’ every now and again to ensure that your child understands the text.
After reading: talk about the book. What was it about? Did it match your child’s expectations? Ask questions beginning with the words how and why to check that your child has been able to read between the lines. Ask whether anything seemed puzzling. Then ask your child to explain what the best and worst bits of the book were, and why.
Accelerated Reader
We use Accelerated Reader to assess the children and assign them a "Reading Range". The Reading Range allows children to choose a book that they would like to read whilst providing an appropriate level of challenge.
Once children have read their book, they should complete an online Accelerated Reader quiz to assess their understanding of the book. Children then choose another book.
Every half term, children complete a Star Reading Test to assess their Reading Range.
Please see our reading booklet. This includes some guidance that will help you to support you child with their reading.